儿童福利中心“儿童预算项目”介绍 & o# g2 @3 r c! v) M
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In the past 30 years, China has experienced fast economic growth. Per capita GDP in China is approaching 3000 US dollars. The revenue of the government increased dramatically as well. According to Ministry of Finance, the revenue of the government in 2008 was more than RMB 542 trillion. This number was 18.8% higher than 2007. However, the government expenditure on children in difficult situation is still very low and does not increase accordingly. ( r5 m0 f; O" b! o% i" S
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At the end of 2007, China had 5,000,000 children with disabilities (Chen & Chen 2008), 659,000 orphaned children (double orphaned, or his or her father died, mother left from home), over 93,000 children in state care. About one million other children in difficult situation include: AIDs infected and affected children, children of long term prisoners, and street children. Most children in state care are in state children’s welfare institutions (SCWI) (86 percent). The remainders are in foster care arranged by local civil affairs departments (Shang 2009). ; f: e! k& X* I, U3 m
9 _) T: H8 m* W2 D, LChina does not have an independent child welfare system. The main programs of China’s social security system do not cover children. Most children in difficult situation do not receive any support and benefits they urgently need from the government. Among those children in difficult situations, orphans are the most disadvantaged group and in most urgent need. 5 m' n9 N# D! P1 b+ w/ t' b
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In terms of child budget, the government expenditure for child welfare is very low, especially in developing areas. The minimum monthly living allowance of children in the care of the state in some poor areas is only 100 RMB per month, not enough even for one bottle of milk per day. Even in large cities, the state children’s welfare institutions are heavily relying on private charities (For example, more than 54 percent of annual expenditure relies on private charities in Tianjin). Moreover, among all orphaned and abandoned children, children cared for in kin foster families receive much less government and charity support, in comparison with children cared for in institutions. In 2009, new standards for care of orphans was publicized by MCA, which says, standards of monthly living allowance for orphans with institutional care are no less than RMB1000 and for orphans in kin foster families are no less than RMB600. Yet most local governments are still slow to response to the standards. . ~3 \% h' G( ^& i6 J; y- K$ K
: _" |% ?9 V( M; I儿童福利中心依托于北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院建立,致力于培养儿童福利政策领域高端的理论与实务人才,开展全面的儿童福利社会政策研究,推动中国儿童福利制度的完善和政策变革与转型,打造国内领先、世界一流的思想库。现因研究工作需要,招聘研究助理1名:% r" F3 d4 h* {
2 O. D! {: u* c6 y6 U! O5 Y职位介绍: % {1 v6 _/ Z7 I) {
1 L' v& C2 |/ Z. Z- ], e- B$ H! x1、承担儿童福利中心的儿童预算项目的研究工作,负责调研项目前期的抽样技术的把握; 负责项目过程中的数据分析模型建造,并进行报告撰写。 1 b+ e7 n7 L/ C4 }5 l8 u' b4 _' b& _
6 [' D* R7 M: c4 }- r3、承担项目专家安排的其他行政工作。
& ^, `# i# e+ T3 T/ k3 n% x& a0 Q4、如项目执行期间表现优秀,可以继续跟进其他项目。 g5 D" n, o: {; d4 I3 T, N
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要求: & y* c9 i8 G+ |7 A" E! t6 ~
9 i7 _! {- U/ l; f
- B, a- t: ~3 L$ ` c2、年龄在30岁以下,硕士以上学历,在数学、统计学、计量经济学方面有扎实的理论基础和应用能力。具有社会发展研究的相关学术背景,社会学、社会工作、公共政策和管理优先。 & B9 [; [: A; ?! T
3、具有较强的文字功底以及研究潜质。熟练操作STATA/SPSS软件优先。有社会科学相关数据调研领域项目经验者优先。 ! }# V1 o4 }4 E+ D. O
4、具备较好的组织协调能力和英语水平,可以熟练运用中英文进行学术阅读和写作。 ! J" D7 X/ r! q d# q- |
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简历投递截止日期:11月8日。 |