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[华北] 北京+20 讲述她/他的故事—项目招标书

发表于 2013-3-22 18:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        北京+20 讲述她/他的故事—项目招标书

2 v9 I+ G  M# y7 I, W$ i6 K        1995年联合国第四次世界妇女大会在北京召开,成为世界妇女运动的转折点。各国政府通过《行动纲领》对推进性别平等做出了庄严承诺。空前数量的妇女运动代表,积极分子和倡导者相聚在一起围绕社会性别问题进行了讨论和动员。来自中国政府和非政府组织的代表在大会中起到了核心作用。北京世妇会在中国产生了深远的影响。6 x2 x* v# t# C

4 H; `+ I5 J( X' |2 V        为了庆祝北京世妇会召开20周年,福特基金会北京办事处启动了一个资助计划,拟资助10个项目,每个项目不超过25,000美元,资助个人或者机构讲述北京世妇会给他/她们带来的影响。故事不限内容、时间跨度、形式和目标人群,可以聚焦90年代初世妇会的筹备,可以聚焦受世妇会的影响而出现的当前妇女运动的趋势和现象,也可以聚焦整个20年。叙述形式可以是新媒体、纪录片、文学作品、学术或通俗文章、戏剧、艺术、口述史和多媒体等。故事的目标受众可以在中国,也可以是全球范围,可以是大众,也可以是某一特定群体,例如,故事可以敦促对妇女运动或其它社会群体活动进行反思或变革,也可以只针对某一特定机构发出倡导。( @) u( u3 Q! X' c5 }  L: T
( L* ?# M- k) g0 T) ?  s
9 |  F( [! G+ C$ R  {" d# n3 j2 c0 A% i1 H' k5 p0 j

- ?4 x* v. Z+ [. N3 x: k( |        我们会优先考虑中国机构或个人的申请,但同时也会考虑国外的申请。# y; r7 V1 M5 L8 l
, \7 q8 c% r& Y4 p6 p) P
2 g0 t7 P9 Y7 u) X; D
5 @! _2 z6 |) t6 ?        如果您有意申请,请递交一份简短的项目概要,中英文都可以,需要包括:: r5 k' E2 j9 s0 B8 h
        1. 一页简介,介绍您想做什么、为什么做和怎样做,包括传播渠道以及如何使您的故事能让您希望的群体听到,请尽量具体描述;9 D- ]9 \  a1 t% q0 m
        2. 一段机构简介;
5 V- I  u0 Z9 G6 h9 _# d/ }7 Q        3. 项目主要成员简介,每人一段,其中包含一句话描述成员在项目中的作用;- ?, l, I3 R# U- V3 {/ r8 i
        4. 简要预算(如果预算超过$25,000,请注明其它资金来源);" x" g6 V6 ^! w2 [) J

$ D; x: t! m; T0 m1 h# S1 a8 E        如果您申请的是制作艺术、影视、新媒体或文学作品,请提供您以前的作品节选、摘录或剪辑。' e! a- v" Z. o1 r- i' w

0 D8 Q+ n- o* |; ~; V        书面申请不能超过规定长度,对于附加的其它申请材料,我们不能保证完整地观看或阅读整部作品。如果您递交了DVD,请剪辑出10分钟的介绍,或者注明需要我们观看的时长为10分钟的那一部分。如果您递交了写作作品,请告诉我们具体需要阅读哪一页节选。
. ?0 Q8 c3 m" b  i. q" N8 j" _% ?% ?7 V2 V' r9 C) T! X6 w
        时间表:" f$ L& |9 b$ g) }$ a
        •    2013615日为申请截止日期,请将申请发给宫娅丽女士,电子邮箱地址:y.gong@fordfoundation.org;  邮寄地址:中国北京市建外大街21号国际俱乐部办公楼501室福特基金会北京办事处(邮编:100020);) Z" ]/ e2 w: D! C5 J% q& l4 e
        •    2013715日前评选出入围项目,我们将与入围候选人联系并告知相关信息;
; z/ x8 V1 E/ W8 s# ?; @        •    2013915日前评选出最后的10个获选项目;
3 p1 J- G9 n# s5 j: k        •    2013秋季召开为期一天的项目启动工作坊;' y1 J4 h, s; Z
        •    2014年底完成项目成果。
8 z. C1 p1 A8 \  d# P2 ^. ^                                 Beijing +20 History/Herstory - Request for Proposals. ]5 @( r9 j4 B/ m
* w  L0 o) q1 i5 r$ w                        In 1995, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing. This was in some ways a turning point for women's movements internationally. Unprecedented international governmental commitments were made to gender equality with the Beijing Platform for Action. An unprecedented number of activists and advocates came together to discuss, debate and mobilize around gender issues. Chinese governmental and non-governmental participants played a central role in this forum. The Beijing women's conference had a lasting impact in China.
0 W2 r# Z6 Z3 L       
* @$ x& ?, P! \4 F- z# [( D- M                        To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the conference, the Ford Foundation’s Beijing office is offering 10 grants of up to US$25,000 each for individuals or organizations to tell their stories of the impact of the Beijing conference. The stories may vary in terms of content, timespan, format, and target audience. They may focus on preparations for the conference in the early 1990s, or they may be about contemporary trends or phenomena that are influenced by the legacy of the conference, or they may cover the whole period. The stories may be told through new media, documentary, fiction, academic or popular writings, theatre, art, oral history, multimedia or other formats. The intended audiences for these stories may be primarily Chinese or international. The stories may seek to attract broad popular interest, or may focus on a particular group; for example, they may seek to generate reflection or change in the women's movement or other social sector grouping, or target a particular institution with an advocacy message.
6 N+ }% w7 P2 i        ' {/ p' G- A+ o
                        The key criteria for selection will be that the stories are creative and speak effectively to their audience.
0 p8 x. c6 `5 n6 N       
* O0 m# J0 @9 l8 D( _                        Applicants may choose to focus on any of the areas connected to the current portfolios of the Beijing office (sexuality education, education more broadly, governance and public policy, natural resources, law and rights, and civil society). However, we equally welcome proposals for stories unconnected with these domains.
6 x4 ~# ]; N3 j/ J" b1 h          W/ y' R2 k- V5 S9 \4 B  A
                        Priority consideration will be given to Chinese applicants; however, proposals from non-Chinese applicants will also be considered.6 e4 v' n  P0 W$ S9 \3 a1 L, x+ G9 ~
        # }$ i: g% d5 S2 G/ E3 M* V
                        Award winners will take part in a one-day preparatory workshop at the inception of the project. They will be provided with a degree of mentoring and guidance from a consultant and/or a Ford Foundation program officer while working on their stories. The stories will be launched at a workshop to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the conference.
, l: p  T  n  ^3 d! z: [& ?       
2 J1 _* [- g) H  _; f0 R6 s& N                        How to apply
5 ]) ^" d& Y. u% y1 e6 F                        If you wish to apply, please submit a short concept note, in Chinese or English, which includes:
# Y: F/ |  J+ b                        •    A one-page explanation of what you want to do, why and how, including dissemination channels and how your story will reach your desired audience. Be as concrete as possible2 |8 k( P: J: N+ E/ T
                        •    One paragraph about your organization8 i7 v( P. q1 k) p% Z, g5 D
                        •    One paragraph bio about each of the key people involved in the proposed project, and a one sentence description of their role in the project" A# ^  o" F) q' t
                        •    A brief estimated budget (If the costs exceed US$25,000, please explain where you would find additional funding from), ]' I) C1 X8 N$ I! {5 O
                        If you are proposing an artistic/film/new media/fiction product, please include short extracts/examples of your previous art/film/media product/writing etc.
: d/ t& {: V% ]0 ^        & e! x7 P- C! l. I$ _+ c0 s5 a- K
                        Written proposals should NOT exceed the required lengths. If you submit additional materials, we may not be able to watch the entire video/read the whole writing sample. If you submit a DVD, please give us an extract of 10 minutes’ duration, or tell us which 10 minutes to watch. If you submit a writing sample, tell us which one-page extract we should read.  n4 ]" E+ d7 B( z1 ~
, h$ L' H1 L& N/ H                        Timeline# ^3 O0 K1 Q% b6 L
                        Please submit applications by June 15, 2013 to Gong Yali, y.gong@fordfoundation.org, Ford Foundation Beijing Office, International Club Office Building Suite 501, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing 100020, China.
- N/ w$ h/ v3 t, H. q, n6 z2 A                        A number of applications will be shortlisted by July 15, 2013. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for further information at that time.* i# g+ F1 L, ]0 @
                        The final 10 grant-winners will be selected by September 15, 2013.! Y- Y( R+ j# M) Z) G- j
                        The inception workshop will take place in the autumn of 2013.
. ]1 H. \0 h, o- ?- u" r" A                        Communications products supported by the grants will need to be completed by end 2014.
( F- T  O- Y! c6 d  p
5 b0 r3 t" D# E% M' L  i$ p% u( {/ C

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